Welcome to the blog of The Passenger, an illustrated magazine with comic stories illustrated by fresh italian & international cartoonists and written by most famous italian & international movies and commercials directors.
Born from the vulcanic mind of Christian G. Marra, storyboard artist and cartoonist, the intent of this magazine is to blend the ideas of professional directors with talented and above all not famous artists to give a panoramic view on the world on independent realities out of the mainstream comic wave. You know how it is difficult to be published by a real editor not only in Italy but also in all the world and The Passenger gives the possibility to read strange illustrated short-movies directly from authors imagined them. Naturally we don't want to hide our search for a big editor, reserving us the important need to be always independent.
On past days in Lucca, during the italian most important comic show-Lucca Comics & Games 2007- The Passenger has beeen introduced to great public we think with success & we received a lot of good consents also by the comics attachès. The way is started and we really know how much it is hard to walk it. But we have on our side strenght and passion for these media-comic & movie- and free support by professional directors whose are continuing travelling around the world.
Personally speakin' I worked seriously to prepare a magazine with good paper and original design takin' by my long experience as reader and professional, on the edge between these worlds not forgivin' music, soundtrack for our lives.
Under you can read one of the original and new page from the number zero, the Phonocomics page where a young cartoonist from Rome, Carmelo Calderone, pictured in strips short music album reviews by Luca Merli director and other music "addicted" as Luca Conca and Federico Fenizi. Just click on it to enlarge it.

In this number we have as menù:
"Bar" - a seven pages story written by director and photographer Luca Merli and drwned by finnish cartoonist Terhi Ekebom
"Psie Pole" - 9 pages by big Lech Majewski and captured by talented Saverio Montella from Napoli
"Thisbe" - 9 pages from a treatment by Kene Illegems (Belgium) and poetically illustrated by Alessandro Baronciani
"Dirty End"- 12 spy story pages by Luca Lucini e "pictured" by Lorenzo Morabito
"A Night At The Opera" - another 9 pages imagined by Chris Bartle and visualized by Matteo Cuccato
"Fuck You, Hollywood" - 10 pages of lsd-trip by Christyian G. Marra,storyboard artist
"MalOcchio" - 13 pages came out from Roberto Badò and painted by Luca Conca
and over mentioned Phonocomics page by Carmelo Calderone
an a lot of pin-ups by not only directors Carlo Sigon and Dario Piana and by other excellent artists like Manuele Fior, Marianna Mendozza and Simonluca Spadanuda.
In Lucca the 80% of the customers have bought the number 0 has been female with our pleasure and above all arond 25-30 years old, therefore I can say women like the Passenger ;-).
by Terhi Ekebom

By Christian G. Marra
Under some pictures of the stand in Lucca with some of the artist who gently came to support the magazine.
Artists and friends
Alessandro Baronciani

Corto Maltese supports The Passenger
Darth Vader reads The Passenger ===> May The Passenger be with you!

Some sketches by Lorenzo Morabito on Saturday in Lucca Comics

I turn on reactors through the spacegate!